
Midwest #6 Forest Management Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


Stock intended for Christmas tree plantings must be purchased from a private nursery.


A lumber company interested in the growth of sawlogs may want to grow more trees per acre.


Forestry research is developed new tree strains that grow faster, taller, straighter, and that are more resistant to disease.


The most widely used method of reforestation is the planting of nursery grown seedlings or transplants.


One of the earliest problems in caring for a new forest is the competition from grasses and weeds.


Aatrex is an ideal herbicide for use at the base of tree seedlings to control grass and weeds.


The removal of poor trees will encourage the establishment of reproduction.


Removal of poor trees leaves more growing space is available for the remaining higher value crop trees.


Federal timber is sold our of the national forest at the public sale by sealed bid to the lowest bidder.


Pulp timber is harder to grow than high quality saw timber.


Seedlings should be planted in the early spring as soon as the frost is our of the ground to take advantage of all available soil moisture.


To get high grade tree growth you must have trees spaced far enough apart in the forest so the sunlight can get to all parts of the tree.


logs or timber intended for sawing into boards, planks, or other construction materials are known as sawlogs.


National forest, state forest, and large timber company forests are managed to provide for new growth.


Reforestation and the fight against fires, insects, and diseases are important parts of forest management.


In tree planting, the collar node should be at ground level.


Stock intended for Christmas tree plantings must be purchased from a private nursery.


Plain sawed lumber has less warpage, shrinkage, and surface checking than quarter  sawed lumber.


Lumber is plain or quarter sawed at the mill.


Skyline logging is a log transport system that moves logs across a sensitive area such as a stream valley with a minimum of soil disturbance.


The practice of deliberately setting fires in pine forest to reduce competition and promote growth is called prescribed burning.


The county soil survey report available from the S.C.S. may give you information on the woodland uses of soils.


Plain sawed lumber has less warpage, less shrinkage, and less surface checking.


Trees can be grown successfully on soils that are too steep or poor for growing other agricultural crops.


All nuts of deciduous trees must be scarified to germinate successfully in much the same manner as of the seeds of legumes.

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