
2005 District 7 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


Gully erosion channels are small enough to be covered by common tillage tools.


Clay is the smallest soil particle.


Soil that has a depth of 20-40 inches is a deep soil.


Imperfectly drained soils usually have mottles of gray, yellow and brown.


There are 4 texture classes listed on the Ohio Land and Soil Conservation scorecard.


A claypan is a hard dense layer in the topsoil.


Strip cropping with contour tillage should be used on uniform slopes with a range from 6-18%.


Permeability refers to the ability of the soil to evaporate water.


Loamy Soils contain clay.     


There are some areas in Ohio were wind erosion can be severe.


Organic matter improves soil aeration.


Of the three primary soil particles, sand is the largest with a .002 to .080 inch diameter.


A profile is a cross section of soil from the surface downward to the parent material.


Dense glacial till is compact soil material that is tightly bound together and is commonly found in Ohio soils.


No-Till with crop residue should be used on class VI land.


3 feet of rise or fall in 50 ft of horizon distance would be 3% slope.     


Coarse sand and gravel is not considered a root restrictive layer because it has good air and water movement.


Percent of slope is always measured in the steepest “average” relief of the site.


A fragipan is a loamy subsoil horizon that is compact and usually shows strong mottling.


Organic matter in the surface layer of soil tends to break the force of pelting raindrops and prevents the packing of soil and its consequent erosion.


Soils that contain large stones or massive bedrock are referred to as heavy soils.


Soil slippage generally occurs on slopes of less than 12%.


Subsurface or tile drainage should be installed on ground that has mottling present in the subsoil and a slope of less than 12 percent.


Plants roots require a favorable balance of air and water for optimal growth.


An intensive cropping practice should only be used on class one land.

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