
2006 District 7 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


A soil profile is a cross section of the soil from the surface down to the parent material.


There are more than 500 different series of contrasting kinds of soil in Ohio.


The subsoil layer is called the C-horizon.


Mottling is an indicator of the organic matter content of the soil.


The slope of the land influences soil development.


Severe erosion has a plow layer or upper 7 inches that is original topsoil mixed with 25-75%


Dense glacial till is not penetrated by roots except along occasional vertical planes of weakness.


A soil is considered deep if it is 32 inches or more to a root-restrictive layer.


Capability Class III land is considered good land wit limitations that are easy to overcome.


Management practices, which overcome soil limitations on a site, do not change a land class.


A grass waterway should be constructed in places where runoff water flows quickly enough in drainage ways to cause gully erosion.


Boulders are rock fragments 10 to 24 inches in diameter.


Structureless soil can only be single grain.


Strip cropping should be used on land with broad uniform slopes in the 6-12% range.


Nearly level land Capability Classes IIw and IIIw soils, when drained, can be row cropped intensively.


A soil with a dominantly bright color that has some gray mottling between 16 and 40 inches deep is considered a moderately well drained soil.


Shallow channels cut into the surface layer of the soil is known as sheet erosion.


Ohio fields with 7 inches or more of topsoil are usually not considered seriously affected by erosion.


When forming a ribbon of soil in your hands, it breaks into short sections. This soil would be considered loamy.


A soil with the subsoil dominantly gray in the upper 30 inches with or without intermingled colors of yellowish or reddish brown is moderately well drained.

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