The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA members
participate in many different contests throughout the year. The FFA
provides members a competitive yet educational outlet for them to
exercise what they learn in their agricultural education classes.
Below are a list of the contests in which the chapter participates.
All known contest results are
included on each contest page. Any former member with additional
contest results is encouraged to contact Mr. Jeff Tilley, one of the
chapter's two current advisors, at: mail to:<>
Contest ratings are
given at the state level only except for Public Speaking and
Parliamentary Procedure. For state contests, each rating represents
the following:
Gold - the team placed
in the top 20% of the participating teams
Silver - the team
placed in the top 60% but below the top 20% of the participating
Bronze - the team
placed in the top 80% but below the top 60% of the partipating
No Rating - the team
placed in the bottom 20% of the participating teams
Top Ten
Individual State Placing A-C FFA Members
Ten State Place A-C FFA Teams
Regional & National
Individual Competing A-C FFA Members
Regional & National A-C FFA Teams
Amanda-Clearcreek FFA - CDE Hall of Fame
For all known
results for a given contest, choose one of the contest areas listed
Agricultural Communications
Agricultural Engineering Technology Agricultural Power Diagnostics Agricultural Issues Forum Agricultural Mechanics Skills Agricultural Sales Agronomy Animal Health Animal Management Aquarium Management
Cooperative Education Dairy
Cattle Equine
Management Environmental & Natural Resources Management Farm Business Management Forestry General Livestock Grain
Greenhand Quiz Job
Interview Meats Nature
Interpretation Newswriting Outdoor Power Equipment Parliamentary Procedure Poultry Public
Rural Soils Urban
Soils Wildlife Management
Other Contests
Envirothon Results
A-C FFA members: For detailed contest results, see the
links below.
State Spring Skills contests were cancelled in
1987 due to snow.